Heart Transplantation- Know Everything About Transplantation
Ipcard Cardiac Care centre gives the best cardiac care treatment in Hyderabad and its also considered as one of the best in India with a 100% success rate in all complicated interventional Cardiac, Peripheral and procedures. Heart transplantation is one of the best viable option for patients with heart failure. Patients with heart failure life will become more difficult with persistent shortness of breath, cough, weakness, profound perspiration and short life span, Heart transplantation is the only promising treatment for stage 4 heart failure. When all the medications fails in stage 4 heart failure, heart transplantation gives new hope of ray in their life. Ipcard Cardiac Care Center is one of the best in India. Dr AM Thirugnanam is a Chief Interventional Cardiologist has been working for more than 18 years. He had vast experience in high risk Cardiac interventions and also performed a lot trend setting procedures. He is a World renowned Cardiologist, had done first unprotected Left Main Coronary Artery Angioplasty in India, 2012 and also performed first retrograde carotid angioplasty in the World, in 2019. He was awarded with National and International titles. About this Video: Heart Transplantation indications and different type techniques have been explained. Topics Covered: Indications Presurgical Investigations Different Techniques Post Surgical Management Medications and follow up after transplantation. Most Informative Video// / @ipcardtv Follow is in Social Media: Facebook / ipcard Linkedin:/ / ipcard-cardiac-care-957314201 Twitter:/ / ipcardc Instagram:/ / ipcardiacardiaccare Youtube:/ / @ipcardtv Website: For appointments and Consultation: www.onlinecardiologyconsultation.com www.dramthirugnanam.com www.cardiologycourse.com Learn Cardiology from Renowned Teacher: www.dramthirugnanam.com www.cardiologycourse.com