The COMPLETE Assassin's Creed Timeline Explained

The COMPLETE Assassin's Creed Timeline Explained

Visit our new channel MojoCreed for even more Assassin's Creed videos! With a dozen main games and counting, set at different points throughout history, the "Assassin's Creed" timeline can get a bit complicated. For this essay, we'll be laying out the entire chronological plot of Ubisoft's "Assassin's Creed" series. We'll cover everything from the background lore to the historical adventures to the modern day elements. Which part of the "Assassin's Creed" timeline do you find the most confusing? Share your thoughts in the comments. Watch more great "Assassin's Creed" videos here: The 8 WORST Assassin's Creed DLCs:    • The 8 WORST Assassin's Creed DLCs   The 10 BIGGEST Betrayals In Assassin's Creed Games:    • The 10 BIGGEST Betrayals In Assassin'...   The 10 GREATEST Weapons In Assassin's Creed Games:    • The 10 GREATEST Weapons In Assassin's...   Big thanks to all the channels featured in our video! WorldOfLongplays:    / @worldoflongplays   Zanar Aesthetics:    / @zanaraesthetics   Sevvina:    / @sevvina   xLetalis:    / @xletalis   RhinocamoGaming:    / @rhinocogaming1189   FoggyFogzmeister:    / @foggyfogzmeister   GamingENERGY:    / @gamingenergy1391   Mighty Noob:    / @mightynoob   Alexios Kassandra:    / @alexioskassandra4176   TetraNinja:    / @tetraninja   Zevik:    / @zevik   CJake3:    / @cjake3   An Apo:    / @anapo7545   NamelessDreadx37x:    / @namelessdreadx37x   BraZn Nation:    / @awyman13   BillyJayGaming:    / @billyjaygaming   Games & More:    / @gamesmoreepic   Masum Billal:    / @hasirama   RabidRetrospectGames:    / @rabidretrospectgames   GameArmy:    / @gamearmytv   Noire Blue:    / @noireblue   Challenge friends and family on our multiplayer Trivia! Subscribe for more great content! Got ideas? Great, give them to us NOW! MojoPlays is your source for reviews, lists, Let's Plays, character origins and video game lore. #AssassinsCreed #Gaming #VideoGames #Ubisoft #PlayStation #Xbox #PC #Nintendo #Games #History