Daily Mass - Thursday, Dec. 29, 2022
Fr. Ed Hallinan presides on Thursday of the Octave of Christmas and the memorial of St. Thomas Becket. We welcome all to St. John Chrysostom Parish. We strive to make our parish a beacon and home for all who seek God's light and warmth. Please visit us at https://sjcparish.org. Connect with us! Please subscribe to our YouTube channel to help us expand our video ministry: https://tinyurl.com/subscribetosjc Join our parish - https://bit.ly/JoinSJC Keep up with SJC - Text joinsjc to 22828. Like us on Facebook - / sjcwallingford Follow us on Twitter - / sjc_parish Follow us on Instagram - / sjc_parish Contact us at [email protected] or text to (610) 955-3272. Support Us as We Support Others The parishioners of St. John's carry out the mission of Jesus through dozens of active ministries in service to our parish, community and world. We ask for your support to keep our parish strong and of service to others. Visit https://bit.ly/givesjc to learn more. Thank you!