Learn English through Story - Level 2 || Story in English || The Count of Monte Cristo

Learn English through Story - Level 2 || Story in English || The Count of Monte Cristo

Learn English through Story - Level 2 || Story in English || The Count of Monte Cristo In Livorno, Dantes sold four of the smallest rings to a shopkeeper. Edmond was afraid. ‘Will he ask where I found these rings? I am only a poor seaman.’ But the shopkeeper said nothing. The next day, Dantes went to the captain. ‘My uncle has died and left me a large amount of money,’ he said. ‘I want to leave the ship.’ ‘I am sad to lose you,’ the captain said. ‘Can’t you stay?’ ‘No,’ Dantes said. ‘I must leave the Young Amelia.’ He gave fine presents to all the men. He gave a new ship and some money to his best friend, Jacopo. After that, he left Livorno and went to Genoa. #learnenglishthroughstory #englishstory #storyinenglish #bestenglishstories #learnenglish #englishstories #learnenglishthroughstorylevel1 #learnenglishthroughstorylevel2 #learnenglishthroughstorylevel3 #englishstoryforlistening #englishaudiobook #englishnovelaudiobook