Top 8 Common Habits That Damage Your Kidneys -You Must Know!

Top 8 Common Habits That Damage Your Kidneys -You Must Know!

Top 8 Common Habits That Damage Your Kidneys - You Must Know! The kidneys are very important for our health. They filter our blood, produce hormones, absorb minerals, produce urine, eliminate toxins, and neutralize acids. Therefore, one of the most important organs in your body, your kidneys deserve a little love. 1. Insufficient Water Intake The most important function of your kidney is to filter the blood and remove toxins and waste materials. When you do not drink enough water during the day, toxins and waste material begin to accumulate and cause serious damage to your body. 2. High Salt Consumption Your body needs sodium or salt to function properly. However, most people consume too much food that can raise blood pressure and put a lot of stress on the kidneys. A good rule of thumb, no more than 5 grams of salt should be eaten on a daily basis. 3. Vitamins and Mineral Deficiencies Eating a clean and complete food diet full of fresh vegetables and fruits is important for your overall health and good kidney function. Many deficiencies can increase the risk of kidney stones or kidney failure. Vitamin B6 and magnesium are very important in reducing the risk of kidney stones. 4. Do Not Empty The Bladder In Time Many of us ignore the need to go because they are too busy or want to avoid public restrooms. Urine retention increases urinary pressure regularly and can lead to kidney failure, kidney stones and incontinence. So listen to your body when nature calls. 5. Start The Sugar Habit Scientific studies that have the characteristics that consume 2 or more sugary drinks a day are more likely to have protein in the urine. Having protein in your urine is an early sign that your kidneys are not doing their job like. 6. High Protein Diet On the consumption of proteins, especially the red meat, it increases the metabolic load in the kidneys. So more protein in your diet means your kidneys have to work harder and can lead to kidney damage or dysfunction over time. 7. Sleep Deprivation We all have what you get a good night's rest. Chronic sleep deprivation is related to many diseases and kidney diseases are also on the list. During the night your body repairs damaged kidney tissue, so give your body time to heal and repair. 8. Coffee Consumption Like salt, caffeine can raise blood pressure and put extra stress on the kidneys. Over time, excessive consumption of coffee can cause damage to the kidneys.