How to Treat Ear Infection in Pets Naturally | Home Remedies for Ear Infection in Pets
Hi Everyone! Today we will discuss how to treat ear infection in pets. Here are some special home remedies to get rid of ear infection in pets. These remedies are very effective to heal ear infection in pets. So try these remedies to cure pets ear infection. **********Subscribe Our Channel*********** / zkhealthandfitness ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Does your dog constantly scratch or rub its ears? It could be a red flag signaling an ear infection. The problem is more common during the summer months. The most likely causes are bacterial or yeast infections, ear mite infestations and sometimes food allergies. If your dog is suffering from an ear infection, some of the prominent signs and symptoms include constantly scratching the ears, wiping or rubbing the ears on the floor, shaking the head, a foul odor or discharge from the ears, redness and swelling. Here are some special home remedies to treat ear infection in pets naturally. Home Remedy # 1: Tea Tree Oil Tea tree oil can effectively treat your dog’s ear infection. It contains compounds that can kill the ear mites which might be the cause behind their ear infection. Add 3 drops of tea tree essential oil to 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Thoroughly mix the two oils. Using a dropper put a few drops of the oil blend in your dog’s outer ears. Swab it gently all over the visible part of the ear. Apply once daily for 1 to 2 weeks to heal the infection. Home Remedy # 2: Blue Power Treatment Blue power treatment is one of the most effective methods to get rid of ear infections in dogs. Put 2 tablespoons of boric acid powder in a pitcher. Add about 1 cup of rubbing alcohol to the boric acid. Stir the solution to thoroughly blend the ingredients. Transfer the solution to a bottle. Add 8 drops of 1% gentian violet solution. Use a dropper to put a generous amount of the solution in your pet’s ears. Fold down the ear flaps and hold them for 1 minute and massage gently. Then, allow your pet to shake off its head to remove excess liquid. Clean the visible part of the ears with cotton balls. Repeat the remedy twice daily for 1 to 2 weeks. Home Remedy # 3: Apple Cider Vinegar Organic apple cider vinegar is a blessing for both humans and their dogs. Pour ½ cup each of distilled water and apple cider vinegar into a spray bottle. Put the nozzle back on the bottle and shake it to mix the ingredients. Spray the solution in your dog’s ears. Clean the visible area of the ears with a cotton ball. Use the solution to clean your dog’s ears twice daily for 2 weeks to get rid of the infection. Home Remedy # 4: White Vinegar White vinegar, containing acetic acid, can also be effective in treating ear infections in dogs. Pour ½ cup of white vinegar into a spray bottle. Add ½ cup of distilled water to the vinegar. Put the nozzle back on the bottle and shake it to thoroughly mix the liquids. Spray the solution in your dog’s ears. Massage the base of the ears for a few seconds, then allow your pet to shake off any excess liquid. Use a cotton ball to wipe off the ear flaps and visible areas inside of the ears. Apply it twice a day for 1 to 2 weeks. Home Remedy # 5: Thornit Ear Powder If none of the above remedies work, you can try treating your dog’s ears with a commercial Thornit canker powder. Apply ½ teaspoon of Thornit powder into your dog’s ears. Close the ear flaps and gently massage the ears. Applied once daily for 1 week. Home Remedy # 6: Coconut Oil Coconut oil has anti-bacterial and natural healing properties to heal itchy skin, improve digestion and treat ear infections in pets. Melt the coconut oil into liquid form. Let it cool off a bit before administering it to your dog. Use an eyedropper to put a few drops of the oil in your dog’s ears. Massage gently so that the oil coats the ear canal. Use it twice daily for 1 to 2 weeks to clear up the infection. #EarInfection #PetsEarInfection #homeremedies #PetsHealth ********Social Links*********** Facebook: / zk.health.and.fitness Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/104447025... Twitter: / zk_health *********DISCLAIMER********** The information provided on this channel and its videos is for general purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. We are trying to provide a perfect, valid, specific, detailed information .we are not a licensed professional so make sure with your professional consultant in case you need. All the content published in our creativity.