Top 10 Air Purifying Houseplants #houseplants #airpurifyingplant #plants #shorts
I have a couple of these in my collection with a few on my wish list! Best indoor plants for your home & how to propagate: 1. Spider Plant - easy to propagate with the spider babies by putting the little baby roots in water to grow larger roots 2. Snake Plant - easy to propagate just by a triangular cutting on a leaf & put in a small amount of water to root 3. Peace Lily - will put out little plants (pups) that you can pull out and repot 4. Aloe Vera - will put out little plants (pups) that you can pull out and repot 5. Boston Fern - can propagate by pulling a chunk off the main bulb 6. English Ivy - take 4-5 inches from the top of a healthy vine, remove the lower leaves and put in a glass of water to root 7. Rubber Plant - take a cutting right above a leaf & remove any lower leaves on the cutting & put in a glass of water to root 8. Golden Pothos - cut between 2 nodes and remove any leaves on the lower part of the steam and put in a glass of water to root 9. Bamboo Palm - can only divide up the stems 10. Dracaena - take 4-5 inches from the top, remove the lower leaves, and root in water #bestindoorplantsforhome #plantsforyourhome