You're BURNT OUT, NOT LAZY! You're NOT as LAZY as you think!

You're BURNT OUT, NOT LAZY! You're NOT as LAZY as you think!

You're BURNT OUT, NOT LAZY! You're NOT as LAZY as you think! For over 200 years, economic experts have fantasized about a future in which we would be so efficient that we would only need to labor 10 to 15 hours per week to attain the necessities of life. And that dream hasn't ever materialized. When we go back to our hunter-gatherer days, we worked two to three hours per day and did things to keep ourselves alive. But such activities were undoubtedly part of our culture, and we apparently loved hunting and gathering. After all, it is what people do with their leisure time and money, which is why the wealthy go hunting and gathering, old fashioned as it sounds. In today's video we look at why You're BURNT OUT, NOT LAZY! Why You're unmotivated...Keep watching to see not lazy, burnout not lazy, burnt out, signs you're burnt out not lazy, 6 signs you're burnt out not lazy, the six signs you're burnt out not lazy, 6 signs you’re burnt out not lazy, burnout, burnt out not lazy, 6 signs you're burn out not lazy, signs you're burnt out, 6 signs you are burnt out not lazy, burned out,6 signs you're burnt out,motivation2study 6 signs you're burnt out, you're burnt out not lazy,#6 signs you're burnt out not lazy, emotional burnout Subscribe for more on health, wellness, psychological facts, mental health. Inspired by Bestie, Body Hub and BRIGHT SIDE Inspired by 6 Signs You’re Burnt Out, Not Lazy Inspired by 7 Signs You're Burnt Out But Don't Realize It Also check out:    • SUPERCHARGE Your Mental Health!   On Healthicity we will go through health, wellness, and psychology facts. Stay tuned for the latest mental health tips, mental health awareness, and self love. Click here to subscribe: Click here to subscribe: #lazy #burntout #motivationvideo #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #healthfacts