Shift to your BFDI desired reality ✨ Subliminal + theta waves

Shift to your BFDI desired reality ✨ Subliminal + theta waves

#realityshifting #subliminal #manifestation #spirituality #bfdi #battlefordreamisland #osc This is my first time making a subliminal, so if you like it and have any requests lmk :) this one is pretty self-centered lmao i'm pretty sure there are only like 5 other bfdi shifters besides me but hopefully someone will enjoy it! All music by Yoyle Cake (Michael Huang) Affirmations used: -I have already shifted to my desired reality. -I am in my BFDI desired reality. -I am in the world of Battle For Dream Island. -I am fully aware of my desired reality. -Everything I have ever wanted in my BFDI desired reality is true for me. -I shift regardless of circumstances. -My mind accepts that I am in my desired reality. -I manifest all of my desires instantly. -I am a master shifter. -I have my desired friends and family. -I have my desired appearance. -Everything I have scripted is true for me. -I am deeply connected to my desired reality. -I shift despite my doubts. -I am pure consciousness.