Top 6 Canadian Covered Call ETFs To Buy!!

Top 6 Canadian Covered Call ETFs To Buy!!

In this video, I'll be talking about some of the top canadian covered call ETFs to buy in your stock portfolio for enhanced income!! In Depth Portfolio Review:    • $208,000 Wealthsimple Dividend Portfo...   If you like this type of content be sure to LIKE THIS VIDEO for the youtube algorithm and consider subscribing to the channel for more!! 0:00 Intro to Covered Calls 1:59 1. LIFE Covered Call ETF 5:45 2. HUTL Covered Call ETF 9:28 3. ZWC Covered Call ETF 12:05 4. ZWB Covered Call ETF 14:03 5. HDIF Covered Call ETF 18:35 6. UMAX Covered Call ETF 22:54 My Covered Call Strategy #canadianstocks #stockmarket #dividendstocks #dividends #dividend #dividendinvesting #investing #retirement #retireearly #incomestocks #dividendgrowthinvesting #dividendgrowthstocks #dividendgrowth #stockstobuy #stockstowatch #bigtech #technology #stocks #exchangetradedfunds #etfs #etfstobuy #tfsa #taxfreesavingsaccount #rrsp #investing #invest #canadianstocks #canadian #reits #dividendaristocrats #coveredcalls #coveredcall #etfs #highyield