RESIDENT EVIL 4 REMAKE Walkthrough Gameplay Chapter 1 /No Commentary
You guys enjoyed my first previous RE4R video in uncompressed file? here's my full walkthrough in uncompressed again.. and ofc some mods in it and I listed them below Scenes: 0:00 - Skip this part 0:20 - Zealots executing the girl 0:55 - Leon Backstory 1:48 - Leon (Intro) 2:00 - Ashley Graham photo 2:05 - Leon and Spanish Cops conversation 3:39 - You smoke? 3:35 - Mario Castaño searching the village 4:20 - I'll watch the car. Wouldn't want to get a parking ticket. 4:54 - Chapter 1 Starts 5:44 - Document No.1 - "Judgement is NIgh" 6:09 - Leon encounters first Ganado 6:36 - Leon's Spanish 6:52 - Mario Castaño (Spanish Cop) ID and Badge 6:59 - Leon vs. Ganado first fight 7:14 - Ganados alerted 7:27 - Document No.2 - "Officer's Badge" Death of Mario Castaño 7:34 - Investigate No. 2 - Dead Rabbit 7:38 - Investigate No. 3 - "Man that stinks!" (Similar to Marguerite's dish?) 7:49 - Hunter's Lodge Room 8:05 - Leon finds Mario Castaño Spanish cop dead body in Hunter's Lodge basement 8:49 - Leon encounters first mutated Ganado 9:07 - You can kill the second Ganado by stealth. 9:21 - Green Herb 9:29 - Leon reports to Hunnigan about Baby Eagle & location 10:17 - I'll let myself out 10:49 - Head for the Lake 11:06 - Crow 11:14 - Head for the Lake 11:34 - Crow 11:45 - Head for the Lake 12:11 - Leon vs two Ganados on abandoned truck area 12:42 - Head for the lake 12:56 - Guess there's no sex discrimination here 13:25 - Head for the Lake 14:10 - Ganado Burning Newbie Cop to death 14:34 - Fight them off ( Village battle begins ) 14:49 - Bill me for the repairs later 15:33 - Ganado in the Cabinet 16:26 - Dr. Salvador Opening Scene 16:50 - Hand Grenade 17:24 - Tower floor crash 17:34 - Leon enters the house 17:52 - You gotta be kidding me 19:28 - Leon kills Dr. Salvador 19:36 - Ada summoning Ganados with Church Bell. 20:32 - Where's everyone going? BIngo? 20:51 - RESIDENT EVIL 4 Intro Chapter 5: The Villa • RESIDENT EVIL 4 REMAKE How to 100% A... Chapter 4 The Church: • RESIDENT EVIL 4 REMAKE PC - CHAPTER 4... \ Chapter 3: The Lake • RESIDENT EVIL 4 REMAKE CHAPTER 3 The ... Chapter 2: The Valley • RESIDENT EVIL 4 REMAKE Walkthrough Ga... • RESIDENT EVIL 2 (RE2) Leon Mod https://www.nexusmods.com/residentevi... • Auto Parry Mod https://www.nexusmods.com/residentevi... • Fatal Melee https://www.nexusmods.com/residentevi... • Fluffy Mod Mananger https://www.nexusmods.com/residentevi... #Walkthrough #PC #Gameplay