Christmas at Evangel | December 18th

Christmas at Evangel | December 18th

Join us for online services today! Evangel meets online every Sunday at 9:00 AM, 10:45 AM. Chat with us live and watch together as a family. ►► NEED PRAYER?: Text “eprayer” to 77411 ►► GAVE YOUR LIFE TO JESUS? Text “ebaptism” to 77411 to find more info about your next steps. For more resources, go to ►► GIVE: Text “egive” to 77411 Support Evangel’s local and global reach ►► SUBSCRIBE to Our Channel:    / @goevangel   FOLLOW US: ►► Instagram:   / goevangel   ►► Facebook:   / goevangel   ABOUT EVANGEL: Evangel is one church with locations in Bismarck and Garrison, ND. Evangel exists to build the Church in the Northern Great Plains Region through lives transformed by a Jesus-centered message, Spirit-empowered experiences, and authentic relationships before Jesus returns. Evangel is led by Pastor Josh and Jenaye Skjoldal.