Brown Discharge In Early Pregnancy (Hindi) | Brown Discharge During Pregnancy | Mylo App

Brown Discharge In Early Pregnancy (Hindi) | Brown Discharge During Pregnancy | Mylo App

Today we are answering a very important question: What is brown discharge during pregnancy? You can watch similar videos on conception, pregnancy & parenting made by doctors. Also use free tools like ovulation & period tracker, fetus tracker, personalized diet charts and much more on Mylo App! Explore more Mylo products here: Download India's #1 pregnancy & parenting app here - Follow Mylo on Instagram - 00:00 Intro 00:35 What causes brown discharge? 05:38 Causes for concern 06:38 Outro #pregnancytips #pregnancyupdate #pregnancy #browndischarge Transcript: If you notice brown discharge in your early pregnancy then it happens because of implantation however if you notice it in your late pregnancy then it’s a clear sign of labor. By watching this video till the end you’ll be able to differentiate between brown discharge and bleeding and when you should rush to see a doctor. Sexual Intercourse- Brown discharge is quite normal after having physical intimacy with your partner during pregnancy and this actually happens due to sensitivity of the cervix. Implantation Bleeding- When fertilized eggs get implanted on the wall of the uterus then it causes implantation bleeding. This can happen after 6 days of ovulation and a lot of women get confused between implantation bleeding and late periods. Ectopic Pregnancy- When the fertilized eggs travel to fallopian tubes and get implanted there then it causes brown discharge. This causes dizziness, pain in the pelvis, pain on one side of the abdomen, or frequent fainting. All these symptoms are of an Ectopic Pregnancy and sometimes it can be life-threatening also because it can rupture the fallopian tubes, or can cause an internal hemorrhage. Pre-Labor Discharge- If you notice some brown discharge just a few weeks before your EDD (Estimated Due Date) then it means that your body is ready for labor. If this happens somewhere between 36-40 weeks of your pregnancy then along with the loss of a mucus plug a jelly-like greyish brownish discharge will also be there. Cervical Polyps- Cervical polyps are elongated harmless tumors that grow on the surface of the cervix and sometimes brown discharge happens due to rupturing of one of those. Molar pregnancy- When the sperms and eggs incorrectly fertilize in your body then a tumor is developed in the womb. During the first trimester of your pregnancy if you notice red vaginal discharge along with the brown discharge then this can be quite worrisome. In this condition you must immediately contact your doctor because removing this tumor is highly important as it can create further complications. Vaginal Infections- Sometimes vaginal infections can happen due to STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) and this leads to brown discharge. Miscarriage- During the 1st trimester when you notice brown discharge along with red blood discharge, lower back pain, abdomen pain, and severe cramps then these can be clear signs of miscarriage. Depending on your body the bleeding can vary from heavy to light, with clots or even longer duration. In these situations, you must immediately seek medical help. Abnormal Placenta- Brown discharge also occurs due to some placenta problems like placenta previa and placenta abruption. When the cervix opens and it is covered by the placenta then it is called placenta previa and the painless brown discharge also happens. When the uterus and the placenta get separated and there is a lot of pain along with the brown discharge during placenta abruption. This video will also helps in brown discharge in early pregnancy, brown discharge during pregnancy, brown spotting during pregnancy, pregnancy me brown discharge kyu hota hai, brownish discharge during pregnancy, black discharge during pregnancy, brown discharge in pregnancy, brown blood during pregnancy, dark brown discharge during pregnancy, brown discharge, light brown discharge in early pregnancy, brown discharge kyu hota hai, brown discharge in 9th month of pregnancy, brown bleeding early pregnancy.