In this video, we present a comprehensive tier list ranking various divine entities and cosmological concepts based on their scientific probability. From widely discussed theories to abstract philosophical constructs, we analyze the likelihood of different deities and cosmic beings from a scientific perspective. We'll explore: S-Tier: Concepts like Deism and Pantheism that align with scientific principles and are compatible with current understanding of the universe. A-Tier: Philosophical deities such as the Aristotelian Prime Mover and Spinoza's God, which, while abstract, are not entirely out of reach of logical discourse. B-Tier: Classical theistic gods and Intelligent Design theories, which, while less compatible with current scientific understanding, still have philosophical discussions around them. C-Tier: Polytheistic gods and localized deities, which, while culturally significant, lack scientific support. D-Tier: Regional gods and mythological figures, often tied to specific cultural narratives and not supported by scientific evidence. F-Tier: Fictional deities and supernatural entities with no basis in scientific observation or empirical evidence. Join us as we examine these divine concepts through the lens of modern science and philosophy, discussing their implications and how they fit into our understanding of the universe.