Sermon: God With Us - The Nativity of Our Lord
"And his name shall be called Emmanuel." (Is. vii. 14.) " The Saviour is born for us, a Saviour who will deliver us from sin, and from the thraldom of Satan, who reconciles us to God and opens heaven unto us. What this Saviour is His name tells us, that the prophet Isaias announced: "Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and His name shall be called Emmanuel, God with us." Yes, God with us, that is the meaning of the joyful message of the angel: God with us in His humanity, in His childhood, in His poverty. This is what we will contemplate, dearly beloved; His name shall be called Emmanuel, God with us." Sermon for "The Nativity Of Our Lord God With Us" by St. Jean-Marie Vianney 0:00 - Introduction 3:04 - God with us in His humanity. 14:00 - God with us in His childhood. 19:48 - God with us in His poverty. ✅ For the full text transcript, visit: https://mannaofthesoul.blogspot.com/2... Please remember to pray for all who made these information (meditations, sermons, audio) available to you. Source: "Sermons for the Sundays and Feasts of the Year" by St. Jean-Baptiste-Marie Vianney (the Curé d'Ars). New York; 1901. Audio: © Holy Family Publications, https://jmjsite.com/ Read by: AM. Thank you for listening and God bless you and keep you! #catholic #catholicpodcast #sermons