Short 5-Minute Lovingkindness Meditation
In honor of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, I'm sharing an abbreviated Lovingkindess Meditation--to remind us all of our interconnectedness to all beings everywhere. To learn more about my yoga classes and courses, visit https://yogaroomannarbor.com/. //ABOUT CHRISTY: Are you feeling frazzled? Tired? Are you always on the go? Have you noticed yourself getting impatient and irritable? Are you dealing with high blood pressure, digestive issues, anxiety or depression? Hear me when I say: this is not how you are meant to live. You deserve to feel good. You deserve to thrive, not just survive. Let's start simple: checking in with yourself, releasing tension in your body, quieting your mind. I’m Christy DeBurton, and I'm a Transformational Yoga Coach whose mission for the past 25 years has been helping people prioritize wellness by providing gentle encouragement, a healing presence, and a supportive environment. If you're ready to make some small changes that can have a huge impact on your health and well-being, take some time to get to know me. If it feels like a good fit, let's connect! Visit www.yogaroomannarbor.com for more information. //CHECK OUT MY WELLNESS BLOG: https://yogaroomannarbor.com/blog/ //ONLINE COURSES: *Ultimate (Peri)menopause Guide - https://yogaroomannarbor.com/online-c... *Stop Sabotaging Your Self-Care - https://yogaroomannarbor.com/online-c... *15-Minute Yoga for a Better Body - https://yogaroomannarbor.com/online-c... //LIVE+VIRTUAL CLASSES: https://yogaroomannarbor.com/classes/... //SUBSCRIBE TO MY NEWSLETTER: https://yogaroomannarbor.com/connect/ //COME SAY HI!: / christydeburtonwellness and / the-yoga-room-christy-deburton-wellness-51... //TIP JAR: Have any of my free events or free content I offer on my Wellness Blog, newsletters, YouTube and social media helped you feel healthier, happier and more inspired? If so, you can now show a meaningful token of gratitude by leaving a tip in my new Tip Jar at https://yogaroomannarbor.square.site/. Thank you!