40 Min Intermediate Backbend Yoga | Intermediate Yoga for Back and Hip Flexibility

40 Min Intermediate Backbend Yoga | Intermediate Yoga for Back and Hip Flexibility

Let's tune in with this 40 min intermediate full body yoga flow! → Join my Weekly Yoga Newsletter: https://www.kateamberyoga.com → More Intermediate Yoga Classes:    • Intermediate Yoga Classes   → Yin Classes:    • Yin Yoga Classes   Hi Friends, let's get it with this 40 min intermediate yoga class where we focus on opening the front chain of the body, getting into our hips, and moving into fun backbends. This is definitely a backbending class so it's best for intermediate or advanced yogis. In this 40 min intermediate backbending yoga flow we'll warm up our hips - a large component of backbending - and test our courage. Backbending can stir up a lot of emotions and can feel quite intense if they're not integrated into your yoga practice. So remember to only move into open space in your body, let your backends feel powerful and energizing, and keep your eyebrows down your face (keep a soft face) and you'll do amazing! Whether you're doing yoga for flexibility or yoga for strength I hope this backbend class honors your body and mind!. Bring your smile and let's play! 40 Min Intermediate Yoga with Backbends Chapters 0:00 - Intro to Intermediate Yoga with Backbends 0:56 - Arrival 5:20 - Fun Balance 6:14 - Warm Up Moves 15:32 - Open the Hips 20:00 - Backbend Flow 24:00 - Active Hips and Back Strength 27:35 - Camel and Wheel 31:37 - Plow and Happy Baby 34:47 - Savasana 38:12 - Sweet Closing ♡ Join the Weekly Yoga Newsletter https://www.kateamberyoga.com M O R E Y O G A C L A S S E S → 30-45 Min Yoga Classes:    • 30-45 Min Yoga Classes   → 10-25 Min Yoga Classes:    • 20-30 Min Yoga Classes   → Good Morning Yoga Classes:    • Morning Yoga Classes   → Advanced Yoga Classes:    • Advanced Yoga Classes   K A T E A M B E R L I N K S ▶︎ Website: https://www.kateamberyoga.com ▶︎ Show love on Patreon: https://bit.ly/3Basn6k ▶︎ Instagram:   / yoga.with.kate.amber   ▶︎ TikTok:   / yoga.with.kate.amber   ▶︎ Facebook: Kate Amber yoga ▶︎ Twitter: @kate.amber.yoga ▶︎ Shop: https://www.kateamberyoga.com/store ___________________ D I S C L A I M E R Please consult with your physician before beginning this intermediate yoga flow. By participating in this intermediate backbending yoga, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Yoga with Kate Amber from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of any content from Yoga with Kate Amber. #40minyoga #intermediateyoga #yoga