HOMILY OF THE DAY - Fr. Abe Arganiosa July 30, 2024 Tuesday of the Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time #homilyoftheday #gospelreflection #radioveritasasia #veritasasia #gospeltoday #gospel #abearganiosa WEBSITE: https://www.rvasia.org FACEBOOK: / veritasasia INSTAGRAM: / veritasasia TWITTER: / veritasasia Please download the new Radio Veritas Asia mobile app at Google Play and Apple Store. Google Play: https://bit.ly/3lg9uIQ Apple Store: https://apple.co/3jakDbi FULL TEXT: Being Faithfulness Dear brothers and sisters, In today’s Gospel, Jesus explains to us the Parable of the Weeds in the Field. The one who sows good seeds is the Lord Jesus which means that God is giving his graces to all of us his children. Each person is being given the blessings he needs. The children of God are the good seed. It means that we must be the bearers of God’s goodness and love in this world which is the Field of the Lord. The weeds are the children of evil and they are planted by the Devil. It reminds us of Adam and Eve who were created by God as good persons, yet they chose to follow the devil rather than the will of God. We are all created good and therefore we must be faithful to God by refusing the temptations of evil. Our choices are important; we must choose God over Satan. Jesus followed up by saying that at the Judgment Day the evildoers will be punished. God is love and he is good, but punishment will come not because of God but because of the effects of our evil acts. Therefore, we must always do what is good and avoid what is evil. The saints freely chose to be faithful to God and to love their neighbors and in effect they are now shining like stars in the Kingdom of God. We too will become the same if we follow the way of Jesus who remained faithful to the Father even on the Cross.