How to Treat Palmoplantar Psoriasis | Home Remedies to Heal Palmoplantar Psoriasis at Home

How to Treat Palmoplantar Psoriasis | Home Remedies to Heal Palmoplantar Psoriasis at Home

How to Treat Palmoplantar Psoriasis | Home Remedies to Heal Palmoplantar Psoriasis at Home In this descriptive video, Dr. Megha Chaturvedi will discuss some effective home remedies for managing palmoplantar psoriasis and also share how it affects daily chores. Watch this full video to learn how you can manage palmoplantar psoriasis while sitting at home. If you or someone you know is suffering from psoriasis, you can contact us at the number mentioned in the video and share your images directly with our team of doctors. We are available 24/7 for free online consultation. Dr. Health Contact Details: Mail us at [email protected] Palmoplantar psoriasis is a chronic skin condition characterized by red, scaly patches on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. Patients with this condition face significant difficulties due to the constant use of their hands and feet, which can lead to painful cracks and bleeding. This can severely impact daily activities and quality of life, making tasks like walking, gripping objects, and even simple movements extremely painful. Further, in this video, Dr Megha Chaturvedi shares that it's essential to keep your skin moisturized. A good psoriasis body lotion, like Siya Ayurveda’s Psoria Body Lotion, works wonders on psoriasis as it is totally natural and can help manage your palmoplantar psoriasis. Additionally, to maintain skin hydration and prevent flare-ups of psoriasis, you can apply shea butter, aloe vera, and jojoba oil to your psoriasis patches. To buy the products, you can click on the link below: If you are dealing with Psoriasis, don't worry; share your images with us, consult with our doctors, and get on the right track to saying goodbye to Psoriasis. This proactive step can empower you, giving you a sense of control over your condition. And if you have any questions, you can ask them in the comment box. You can also get answers to your questions by calling the number mentioned in the video. #psoriasis #psoriasistreatment #homeremedies #drhealth #drmeghachaturvedi