The Ancient Secrets Of Semen Retention
In Chinese Taoist philosophy semen contains a life-essence known as jing. It is jing which not only nourishes the body, but also is the link between the physical and spiritual realms. In Indian spiritual traditions like Tantra and Ayurveda, the preservation of semen aligns with conserving vital energy. This enhances both bodily health and one’s progress to spiritual enlightenment. In all these spiritual traditions, it is suggested that the abstaining from ejaculation enables the redirection of sexual energy. By redirecting this energy correctly one can cultivate elevated states of consciousness. This can often lead practitioners to greater mental clarity, emotional equilibrium, and a deeper connection to spiritual dimensions. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, this life force is termed Qi. Hindu texts refer to it as Prana. Qi and Prana, though rooted in the subtle body, are also significant for the physical body too. Both these terms are very close correlates to the breath. The idea being that energy is “ingested” through the breath. However, the further spiritual implications of Qi and Prana are profound. And, semen retention is crucial to both. #semenretention #nofap #kundalini #chakras #transmutation Script: Matt Mackane Edit: Medo Voiceover: Matt Mackane Music: Original and Epidemic Music DISCLAIMER 01: All ideas expressed on this channel are for entertainment and general information purposes only. There is no advice on what an individual should or should not do. Any response made by anyone after hearing this communication is their interpretation and is their responsibility. Ideas expressed by this channel should not be treated as a substitute for medical advice or professional help. If expert assistance or counselling is needed, the services of a competent professional should be sought. DISCLAIMER 02: All materials in these videos are used for entertainment purposes and fall within the guidelines of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. If you are, or represent, the copyright owner of materials used in this video, and have an issue with the use of said material, please send an email to [email protected]. Copyright © 2022 Asangoham. All rights reserved.