Cough in Pregnancy | Home Remedies for cough in pregnancy | My Little 1 India
जब एक महिला प्रेगनेंट होती है तो उसके शरीर में कई तरह के बदलाव होते हैं. यह ऐसा दौर होता है, जब इम्यून सिस्टम काफी कमजोर हो जाता है. इन्फेक्शन फैलने का खतरा रहता है. चूंकि बदलते मौसम में सर्दी-खांसी और जुकाम होना काफी कॉमन होता है लेकिन प्रेगनेंट महिलाओं के लिए यह समस्या ज्यादा बढ़ सकती है. ऐसा इसलिए क्योंकि इस समय वे दूसरी दवा लेने से बचती हैं. डॉक्टर; की सलाह के बिना दवा लेना हानिकारक हो सकता है. इसलिए अगर प्रेगनेंसी में सर्दी-जुकाम या खांसी हो जाए तो आसान घरेलू उपाय ही अपनाना चाहिए. आइए जानते हैं कुछ नेचुरल तरीके से खांसी-जुकाम दूर करने के उपाय.. Cough in pregnancy, home remedies for cough in pregnancy, Health Tips, health of pregnant women प्रेग्नेंसी में सर्दी खांसी का इलाज Pregnancy Me Jukam Ho Jaye To Kya Kare | Pregnancy Me Sardi Jukam | Pregnancy me Nak Band pregnancy me sardi jukam ka gharelu ilaj pregnancy me sardi khasi ho to kya karna chahiye pregnancy me sardi khasi ho to kya kare pregnancy me sardi jukam ho to kya kare pregnancy me sardi khasi bukhar ka ilaj pregnancy me sardi ka ilaj pregnancy me sardi bukhar ho to kya kare pregnancy me sardi bukhar ke upay pregnancy me sardi khasi ki dawa pregnancy me sardi jukam ki tablet pregnancy me sardi pregnancy me jukam hone par kya kare pregnancy me jukam ho jaye to kya kare pregnancy me jukam ki tablet pregnancy me jukam ka ilaj pregnancy me jukam pregnancy me jukam hone par konsi tablet le pregnancy me jukam ke gharelu upay pregnancy me jukam hota hai kya pregnancy me jukam ki dawa pregnancy me jukam ka gharelu ilaj cold in pregnancy home remedy cold in pregnancy time cold in pregnancy supriya puranik cold in pregnancy home remedy in hindi cold in pregnancy in hindi cold during pregnancy in tamil cold during pregnancy cold during pregnancy home remedies cold during pregnancy in hindi cold during pregnancy second trimester home remedies cold during 9 month pregnancy in hindi cold during early pregnancy cold during 7th month of pregnancy common cold during pregnancy how to reduce cold during pregnancy cold in pregnancy cold medicine for pregnant women pregnancy safe cold medicine cold medicine while pregnant safe cough syrup in pregnancy pregnancy safe cough medicine best cold sore treatment while pregnant cold medicine for pregnancy 3rd trimester home remedies for cold during pregnancy cough medicine while pregnant cold and flu medicine for pregnancy cold like symptoms early pregnancy cold symptoms early pregnancy pregnancy safe cold sore treatment home remedies for cough during pregnancy cold and flu medicine while pregnant cold sore pregnancy प्रेगनेंसी में विक्स लगा सकते है प्रेगनेंसी में जुकाम की टेबलेट प्रेगनेंसी में खांसी के नुकसान प्रेगनेंसी में खांसी की syrup प्रेगनेंसी में नाक बंद होना प्रेगनेंसी में भाप ले सकते है प्रेगनेंसी में बार-बार छींक आना 🌈Don't forget to follow me for more updates and valuable content on pregnancy and baby care. Subscribe now for the latest tips, guides, and insights to navigate your parenting journey with confidence!🌈 https://www.youtube.com youtube.com/@mylittle1india925?si=AUm... https://www.instagram.com instagram.com/its_mahimaaa https://www.facebook.com facebook.com/mylittle1india 👍 If you found the information helpful, please subscribe and like our videos! 👍 #pregnancymesardi #pregnancymesardijukamkaghareluilaj #pregnancymesardikhasihotokyakarnachahiye #pregnancymesardikhasihotokyakare #pregnancymesardikhasibukharkailaj #pregnancymesardibukharhotokyakare #pregnancymesardikyuhotihai #pregnancymesardijukamhotokyakare #pregnancymesardikailaj #pregnancymesardikhasikidawa #pregnancymesardimekyakhaye #pregnancymesardikhansikailaj #pregnancymesardikhansikeghareluupay #pregnancymesardihotokyakare #pregnancymesardimekyakhanachahiye #pregnancymesardiand #pregnancymesardikaisethikkare #pregnancymesardibukharkeupay #pregnancymesardijukamkitablet #pregnancymesardisenaakbandhona #pregnancymesardikaghareluilaj #pregnancymesardisirdardkailaj #pregnancymesardikhansihoneparkyakare #pregnancymesardisekaisebache (MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information shared in this video aims to offer educational insights into certain health conditions and potential treatments. However, it is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or care from a licensed healthcare professional. If you suspect that you, your child, or someone you know may be experiencing the described conditions, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare provider promptly. Avoid attempting to self-treat without proper medical guidance. Please be aware that our YouTube channel, 'My Little 1 India,' cannot be held responsible for any harm or loss resulting from the availability of this information or reliance on its completeness, accuracy, or existence.)