Overseeding Lawn - Steps, Tips, Tricks For A Successful Overseed /// Cool Season Grass
I am overseeding my lawn with Kentucky Blue Grass, while also seeding some bare areas that I have leveled. Fall is the best time to overseed a lawn because the soil temps are at an optimal zone for seed to germinate. I am doing this in the fall, but I do think spring time up here in the PNW is also a great time to overseed. That can be debatable by some people, but that is just what I believe. Steps for a successful overseed! Step 1: Dethatch Step 2 (Optional): Aerate Step 3: Throw Seed Step 4: Throw Fertilizer Step 5: Pre emergent Weed spray (Tenacity) Step 6: Water 3x day Tenacity: https://amzn.to/35DgaeN Petra Sprayer: https://amzn.to/35FblSb Kentucky Blue Grass is from North40 #overseed #lawn #kentuckybluegrass