Let's trace and write uppercase ABCD for preschool toddlers and kids | educational video,abcdefg,abc

Let's trace and write uppercase ABCD for preschool toddlers and kids | educational video,abcdefg,abc

Learn numbers counting,Shapes for kids & toddlers, Alphabets for kids There is 123 number writing ,shape drawing and coloring for toddlers and children. Learn 123 numbers and ABCD alphabets A for Apple b for ball in English. #writing the alphabet #writing numbers #learning numbers #ABC song #writing along the dotted line #shapes #shape actor #colorsfortoddlers #learn #educationalvideo #preschoollearning #learncolors #alphabets #coloringpages #abcd #abcde #kidslearning #kidssong #rhymes #nurseryrhymes #aforapplebforball #123ginti #12345rhymes #1234_for_kids #number #counting1to100 #counting #countingto1million #countingstars #kids #children #toddlers #toddleractivities Thanks for watching 🙏❤️