Black Myth Wukong: Wandering Wight Boss
Here we will go over where you can find and take down Wandering Wight Boss who is an optional boss, one you will come to shortly after you start the game and one who I strongly recommend leaving alone until you are ready to fight the Whiteclad Noble. Ensure you take down the Wandering Wight before defeating Elder Jinchi otherwise the Wight will disappear and you will need the Wandering Wight Spirit to break into some places later in the game. If you would like to see the web guide for the Wandering Wight boss guide then use this link: https://www.fuzionbyte.com/black-myth... To see all of the content we have for Black Myth Wukong then refer to the Directory: https://www.fuzionbyte.com/black-myth... Check out all of our other Black Myth Wukong videos in the playlist: • Black Myth Wukong Check out the Black Myth Wukong Shorts we have in this playlist: • Black Myth Wukong Shorts #blackmythwukong #wanderingwightboss #wanderingwight ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can follow and support FuzionByte: 🌐Official Website: https://www.FuzionByte.com/ 📽️Subscribe on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/fuzionbyte?sub... 👀Follow FuzionByte on Twitch: / fuzionbytetv 🫂Join the Discord: / discord 🐥Follow FuzionByte on Twitter: https://twitter.com/intent/user?scree... ☕ Grab me a coffee if the guides are helping: https://ko-fi.com/fuzionbyte