Overwatch 2 New Heroic Highlight Intros for Overwatch 1 Heroes with New Skin Look OW2

Overwatch 2 New Heroic Highlight Intros for Overwatch 1 Heroes with New Skin Look OW2

Overwatch 2 has finally launched and there are so many additions. A lot of people may notice a different animation playing for a hero they select during the hero select screen in the background. These are also the new heroic highlight intros for all of the Overwatch 1 heroes! I'm not a big fan of it being offset to the right like that but I guess it's so that your name is more visible for the POTG. 00:00 DVA 00:07 DOOMFIST 00:15 ORISA 00:27 REINHARDT 00:32 ROADHOG 00:40 SIGMA 00:48 WINSTON 00:52 WRECKING BALL 01:04 ZARYA 01:12 ASHE 01:21 BASTION 01:28 CASSIDY 01:36 ECHO 01:43 GENJI 01:49 HANZO 01:58 JUNKRAT 02:07 MEI 02:13 PHARAH 02:19 REAPER 02:25 SOLDIER 76 02:32 SOMBRA 02:37 SYMMETRA 02:45 TORBJORN 02:52 TRACER 02:58 WIDOWMAKER 03:06 ANA 03:15 BAPTISTE 03:20 BRIGITTE 03:26 LUCIO 03:34 MERCY 03:39 MOIRA 03:47 ZENYATTA 03:55 END #overwatch #overwatch2 #ow2