Karaniya Metta Sutta Loving Kindness Blessings Bhante Devananda
Loving Kindness Blessings with Bhante Devananda from Father John's Loving Kindness Meditation Society Bryan Ohio and from Indiana Buddhist Temple social media accounts. Free Meditation for all ages, faiths and levels starting on April 4 2022 at 6 pm. Eleven benefits to practicing Metta Bhavana (Loving Kindness Meditation) 1. You will sleep easily 2. You will wake easily 3. You will have pleasant dreams 4. People will love you 5. Devas (deities or angels) and animals will love you 6. Devas will protect you 7. External dangers, such as poisons, weapons, and fire, will not harm you 8. Your face will be radiant 9. Your mind will be serene 10. You will die unconfused 11. You will be reborn in happy realms (from Anguttara Nikaya 11.16) Subscribe: / indianabuddhisttemple May all beings be well and happy with Metta. Instagram: @bhantedevananda @Indiana.Buddhist.Temple @lankaramausa @fatherjohnLovingKindness @mettadharmashop #Buddha #Buddhism #buddhist #Meditation #freemeditation #Meditate #Metta #MettaBhavana #lovingkindness #lovingkindnessmeditation #meditationclass #smilingmonk #mettamonk #bhantedevananda #indianabuddhisttemple #lankaramabuddhisttemple #buddhistchurch #byranohio #fortwayneindiana #indianameditation #ohiomeditation #ohiobuddhists #mettamonday #mettabhavana #mettameditation #BowlingGreenOhio #ToledoOhio #PerrysburgOhio #TrineUniversity #NWOhio