PPSC Assistant Complete solved Paper 2022 || PPSC Past Papers || PPSC Assistant Past Papers || PPSC
First Chairman of the Senate was: Gwadar remained under Oman's rule for ______Years? Faiz Ahmad Faiz born in: Which part of body become lethal due to attack of Covid-19: All India Muslim Student Federation was founded in which city: Sun Yat Sen Park and Casa garden is in which city of China: Ashgabat is the capital of_____ Who was the second Prime Minister of Pakistan: Rakaposhi is located in which mountain range Nanga parbat is located in which mountain range Big Apple is a nickname of___ Who wrote Bhutto Ke Akhri 323 Din: Deficiency of ____causes anemia Who is Current Secretary General of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC): Who was UN General Assembly president in1962-1963: Which is the latest member of NATO: The major dispute between Pakistan and Indiais: Chemical substances that increase earth's surface temperature is known as Third battle of Pani pat fought between: Who was the Muslim leader of first Round Table Conference: Pneumonia is caused by which bacteria: Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) offersPakistan students What is the name for an amphitheater-like hollow that forms at the head of a glacier? The term of National assembly of Pakistan is Bosnia Signs Deal with Pakistan to Send Back Migrant in First general election was held in Pakistan in: Who is the Federal Minister of National FoodSecurity and Research PM Imran khan launched mobile app on Jan 6, 2020 to control drug abuse. Which metallic element is liquid at room temperature: Stethoscope was invented by _______ When Pakistan built first nuclear power plant National Animal of Pakistan is: Who was the first to measure the earths radius Paris agreement ends the Zero was invented by : Which country last join SAARC : Zia Mohyeddin is a______ The Orange river flows in ____ Mojave Desert is located in which country. Pak China border dispute was settled in ______was also known as the 3rd June Plan The jurisdiction of International Court of Justice is: The function of State bank of Pakistan is : The submarines operate Which gas is 80 times more potent than CO₂ Headquarters of International Energy Agency (IEA) is located in Lahore resolution called Pakistan resolutionby Beirut is the capital of which of the following countries? The capacity of Neelum-Jhelum Hydropower Plant is___ Choose the antonym of Vague To "back out" means When in Rome, do as the___Do Change Voice Daniel is singing a song To "nip it in the bud" means to Choose the correct parts of speech He is walking along the road Choose the correct analogy. Talk :Stammer Her parents went to Karachi___train. Choose the synonym Bring Up Change the narration Emily said, "I may leave tomorrow." Which punctuation mark is used in this sentence He visited three countries France, US and Australia He is looking for someone to offer, her glamorous well paid and undemanding job, but I think he is Choose the correct one Choose the correct one Najma is in hospital. She ill for last few weeks. Internet Explorer is a type of MS office is a 'You can check the conditions against when applying conditional formatting Which of the following software is used for presentation for communication purposes. We can use_ to convert word in to PDF Who invented computer We can remove / hide border of a shape by selecting: Which query do you use to answer the question "Which employees earn more than $5000 a month"? Find the number of triangles which can be formed by joining the angular points of a polygon of 8 sides as vertices. The mean of 5 number is 34. these of are 29. 26, and 35, if the remaining two number are in the ratio 1:3 find the number? A photograph measuring 5.5 cm by 9 cm is enlarged in the ratio of 7:5. What is the new length and width of the picture? What is the radius of basketball of volume 6400cm³ A man is leading 60,000 at simple interest at the rate of 9% per year. What is the principle amount and interest he repaid after 3 years ? A certain number of two digits is three times the sum of its digits, and if 45 be added to it, its digits are reversed. Find the number. If 3 x+3 + 7 = 250 ; then x is equal to. Who admired Muslim efforts for save Ahadith: Battle in which Holy Prophet (PBUH) not participated is known as Which book wrote by Hazrat Ali RA Masjid-e-Aqsa is located in the old city of: When Hazrat Umar RA captured Jerusalem for the first time: Which Ayat of Holy Quran is longest in Surah Al-Baqarah Which Surah is called the Heart of Al-Quran The minimum amount of Zakat is Which companion of Holy Prophet (ﷺ) includes in the scribe of revelation: تیرے آزاد بندوں کی نہ یہ دنیا نہ وہ دنیا یہاں مرنے کی پابندی وہاں جینے کی پابندی علامہ اقبال کے اس شعر میں صنعت تضاد کتنی بار آئی ہے؟ آم کے آم گھٹلیوں کے۔ دبستان دہلی کے کسی شاعر نے درباری شاعری نہ کی تقابلی تنقید کی بنیاد کس نے رکھی؟ عوامی شاعر کے کہا جاتا ہے؟ ہزارہ یونیورسٹی کہاں واقع ہے؟ ماریہ بہت ذہین طلبہ ہے۔ اس میں ذہین طلبہ کیا ہے آنندی کسی کا افسانہ ہے؟ استعارہ کے لغوی معنی ہیں؟ دن رات سال گرامر کی رو سے کہلاتے ہیں؟