How to create gmail account without phone number

How to create gmail account without phone number

Gmail account create. জিমেইল একাউন্ট তৈরি করার সঠিক নিয়ম। #short #gmailaccount In this channel of mine, only videos are uploaded to solve software problems of different types of Android phones. Don't forget to subscribe the channel to get new videos Subscribe the channel to get new videos. You can know through this video 👇 gmail id কিভাবে খুলতে হয়, gmail id kivabe khulbo, gmail account create, gmail account create 2025, জিমেইল আইডি কিভাবে খুলবো, জিমেইল কিভাবে খুলে, জিমেইল আইডি খোলার নিয়ম, Gmail id kolar niyom, Gmail Account Opening Rules 1. Go to browser: Open any web browser (eg Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari). 2. Go to Gmail: Type "" in the address bar of the browser and press Enter. 3. Create account: Click on "Create account" button. Select the option "For myself". 4. Enter personal information: First Name and Last Name: Enter your full name. Username (Username): Select a unique username. This will be a part of your Gmail address (example: [email address removed]). Password: Create a strong password. It should contain upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. Retype Password: Confirm the password by retyping it. 5. Date of Birth & Gender: Select your date of birth and gender (optional). 6. Mobile Phone Number: Provide your mobile phone number. This will help in account recovery. 7. Recovery Email Address: (Optional) Provide an alternate email address if applicable. 8. Data Use Terms: Read and agree to Google's Data Use Terms and Privacy Policy. 9. Account Creation Complete: Your Gmail account has been created successfully. 10. Login: Login to your new Gmail account and start using it. Remember: Use a strong password and never share it with anyone else. Enable Two-Factor Authentication to ensure the security of your account. Always keep the mobile phone number and recovery email address associated with your account updated. You can easily create a new Gmail account by following this procedure. Create Gmail Account Go to Browser: Open any web browser (such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari). Go to Gmail: Type "" in the browser's address bar and press Enter. Create Account: Click on "Create account" or "Create account". Select "For myself" or "For myself". Provide Personal Information: First Name & Last Name: Enter your full name. Username: Choose a unique username. This will be part of your Gmail address (example: [email address removed]). Password: Create a strong password. It should include uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Re-enter Password: Re-type the password to confirm. Date of Birth & Gender: Select your date of birth and gender (optional). Mobile Phone Number: Provide your mobile phone number. This will help in account recovery. Recovery Email Address: (Optional) If available, provide an alternate email address. Data Use Terms: Read and agree to Google's Data Use Terms and Privacy Policy. Account Creation Complete: Your Gmail account has been successfully created. Log in: Log in to your new Gmail account and start using it. Remember: Use a strong password and never share it with anyone. Enable Two-Factor Authentication to secure your account. Always keep your mobile phone number and recovery email address associated with your account updated. By following these steps, you can easily create a new Gmail account. tage 👇 কিভাবে gmail account খুলবো, how to create gmail account, how to create gmail account in bangla, কিভাবে জিমেইল একাউন্ট খুলব, new gmail id কিভাবে খুলতে হয়, gmail id, google account kivabe khulbo, How to open Gmail account in Android, how to create email account, how to create a google account, bangla gmail tutorial, kivabe email id khulbo, gmail id কিভাবে খুলতে হয়, জিমেইল আইডি কিভাবে খুলবো, google account kivabe khulbo, email id kivabe khulbo, gmail id kivabe khule, new gmail id কিভাবে খুলতে হয়, gmail account kivabe khulbo, গুগল একাউন্ট খোলার নিয়ম, gmail account khulbo, gmail account খোলার নিয়ম, ইমেইল আইডি খোলার নিয়মগুগল অ্যাকাউন্ট খোলার নিয়ম, গুগল একাউন্ট কিভাবে খুলবো, গুগল খুলে কিভাব, জিমিয়েল খুলবো কিভাবে, জিমেইল অ্যাকাউন্ট কিভাবে খুলে, জিমেইল অ্যাকাউন্ট খোলার নিয়ম, জিমেইল আইডি কিভাবে খুলতে হয়, জিমেইল আইডি কিভাবে খোলা হয়, জিমেইল আইডি কিভাবে খোলে, জিমেইল আইডি খোলার ভিডিও, নতুন জিমেইল আইডি কিভাবে খুলবো ২০২৫,নতুন জিমেইল আইডি কিভাবে খুলে, নতুন জিমেইল একাউন্ট কিভাবে খুলবো, নতুন জিমেইল কিভাবে খুলেgmail id kholo, gmail id kholo new,gmail id khula, gmail id khula niyam, gmail id khula video, gmail khola kivabe, gmail আইডি #HowToCreateGmailAccount #newgmailaccount #newgmailidকিভাবেখুলতেহয় #জিমেইলআইডিখোলারনিয়ম