Diamond Casino Heist Prep (Vault Keycards - Penitentiary)
This is the Diamond Casino Heist Vault Keycard Prep mission where you need to steal the prison bus, infiltrate the prison and steal some keycards off the guard, Music Credit: Desire - Sub Focus and Dimension Song Link: • Sub Focus, Dimension - Desire (Offici... Sub Focus Link: / @subfocus Check out Sub Focus' channel to listen to more great tracks like this one! #GTAV #GTA5 #diamondcasinoheist #silentandsneaky #diamond #casino #heist #prepmission #prep #weapons #easy #fast #easywaytomakemoney #rockstar #k4iz3ng4ming #kaizengaming #grandtheftauto #hacker #gunman #driver #best #top #vehicles #duggin #intel #securityintel #security #gauntlet #lossantos #van #powerdrills #safetydepositboxes #drills #hacker #driver #gunman #thebigcon #aggressiveapproach #approach #easyway #moneyguide #securitycards #cards #guards #vaultkeycards #vault #keycards #exitdisguises #NOOSE #nooseoutfits #cops #policestation #missionrow #gruppesechs #outfits #disguises #vaultdrills #vault #drills #garage #howto #DIY #vaultdoor *Disclaimer* We do not make any claims to the music in this video, we just added it because its an amazing song and for the viewers enjoyment during the video.