July 18, 2021 Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost Church of the Good Shepherd, July 18, 2021 https://www.goodshepherdpitman.org The Rev. Dave Snyder, Celebrant The Rev. Carl Dunn, Deacon Lay Reader: Susan Snyder Organist: Jennifer Fisicaro 00:00:00 Prelude 00:10:49 Processional 00:14:58 Collect 00:18:19 Lesson, Psalm, and Reading 00:23:56 Gospel 00:28:03 The Homily 00:46:15 Prayers of the People 00:51:15 Exchange of the Peace 00:51:42 Announcements 00:57:40 Offertory 01:02:07 The Holy Communion, Eucharistic Prayer B 01:14:53 Closing Prayers, Recessional, and Dismissal 01:19:41 Postlude