What Happens in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) | Symptoms, Causes and Treatment (Urdu/Hindi)

What Happens in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) | Symptoms, Causes and Treatment (Urdu/Hindi)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a condition That effects our large intestine Our large intestine also called colon is the last part of our digestive system when we eat food, nutrients and minerals in the food are absorbed before reaching large intestine and when food reaches to our large intestine than the muscles of large intestine sends this food forward through peristalsis movement and during this water content from the food is absorbed food is passed through large intestine and than reaches to rectum Rectum is the last portion of large intestine Food is stored in the rectum as a waste material called stools and than stools is expelled from the body through anus Normal water content is needed to store food in a rectum and to expel food from the body if muscle contraction in large intestine is too fast than the water content in food is not absorbed properly due to which thin stool is formed and patient suffers from diarrhea if peristalsis is slow than maximum water content is absorbed from the food due to which hard stool is formed and patient suffers from constipation patient suffering from irritable bowel syndrome have diarrhea or constipation or some patients have these both condition beside this, IBS patients also suffer from stomach cramp, gas and bloating there are many causes of IBS like in many cases there is a problem in the nerves that contracts the muscles of large intestine due to which connection between brain and large intestine is disturbed due to which peristalsis movement is also disturbed beside this stress, anxiety, abnormal food habits, or any intestinal infection can also cause ibs. Treatment first of all the cause of Ibs is diagnosed like if the patient is in stress than the treatment is given to reduce stress if food habits are not good than changings are made in the food and fiber food is suggested if there is diarrhea than drugs are given to slow peristalsis and if there is constipation than drugs are given to speed up peristalsis Thankyou, Allahhafiz #IBS #IrritableBowelSyndrome #Constipation #Diarrhea