Protection Spell | Evil Eye Protection Ritual | Cleanse All Negative Energy in Your Home
If you feel like everything is falling apart, the energy is heavy, money isn't flowing, and there're problems and arguments at home with your spouse or kids…. It’s recommended that you cleanse your energies and those of your home… Take a handful of salt and 7 cloves... Rub your hands together for a few seconds and repeat: "I cut off any negative energy, envy, evil eye or witchcraft that is blocking my paths to abundance, peace and love. I declare that everything sent to me goes back to the person who sent it 70 times 7. So mote it be..." Rinse your hands with plenty of water and let them dry by themselves... Then take 4 glass containers, put some salt in each one, preferably coarse salt, and place one behind the toilet, another under your bed, one near the front door of your house, and the last one on top of the fridge. While you're placing the containers, repeat: in the presence of salt, negative energies cannot stay around... You will see how everything gets better fast. Give it a try, and then let me know how it goes...