My favourite Lana Del Rey songs - A Playlist
Sorry For The wrong name "Million Dollar Man" Support me by donating any amount on PAYPAL. If you want to donate you can ask me for specific songs and the theme you want me to make. You don't have to donate just to ask me that. Lol https://www.paypal.com/donate/?busine... ----------------------------------------------- Me apoie doando qualquer quantia no Pix. Se vc quiser doando pode me pedir musicas especificas e o tema que vc quer que eu faça. Vc n precisa doar só pra me pedir isso Kkkk https://app.picpay.com/user/larissa.m... Ou usando minha chave Pix: [email protected] ---------------- 00:00 - Art Deco 04:54 - Dark Paradise 08:59 - Brooklyn Baby 14:48 - Million Dollar Man 18:37 - Cruel World 25:14 - Freak 30:08 - Pretty When You Cry 34:02 - Serial Killer (Unreleased) 38:36 - Gods And Monsters 42:32 - Watercolor eyes 46:07 - Diet Mountain Dew (demo) 49:47 - I Want It All 53:34 - Cola 57:55 - Music To Watch Boys To 1:02:42 - Chemstrails Over The Country Club 01:07:15 - The Blackest Day ----------------