Resident Evil 2 Remake - Leon (A) Scenario 1st Run | Hardcore | S+ Rank (Playthrough)
Resident Evil 2 Remake RE2R for the PS4 playing Leon (A) Scenario on Hardcore difficulty to get S+ Rank and Infinite Rocket Launcher plus more rewards. I finish in 02-04-39 with 2 saves, to get S+ you have to finish before or within 02-30-00 with 3 saves or less and using bonus weapons you get from playing the game will not get you S+. I almost failed to G - adults in the sewers and ivy monsters in the lab but was able to get past it. This definitely not a SPEEDRUN just playing this to show that this can be achieved even not being the best at games like me but taking a lot of time and practice Okay with Leon you want to use the shotgun to push or kill anything that stands in your way and know how the enemies work to get around them, craft shotgun shells if needed but save Mag ammo for bosses. For 1st Boss Fight with William Birkin I like to use the pistol, knife, and 1 grenade to save up on other weapons it takes a little longer but it helps me you can bring 2 knives just in case as well. A little tip for the 1st Birkin boss on Hardcore as soon as the fight starts you can run up to him and knife him repeatedly until he is about finish transforming the giant eye on his shoulder. I am not sure this always works on Hardcore but sometimes I don't take the chance because I get hit or just forget like in this video. If you get the Flamethrower use that on Birkin 2nd fight but only when his eyes are orangie red or something near the crane and the controls, if the both you drop down. Also on the 2nd Birkin fight stay in the area where I am in this video after Birkin breaks the garage door before dropping to crane to get him to keep doing the 5 swing attack he does if he's about to trap you get him to do the 5 swing attack and when he finish with a slam move then run past him but don't run to far from him or he will run at you and do a quick strike attack that is hard to avoid. Stay close to Birkin and shoot his eyes. 3rd Birkin fight use the Magnum and Flamethrower, when he is down from popping his eyes burn him with Flamethrower until he gets up that goes to as well when he break the wall and slam it keep burning him but stay to the side so he don't slam the wall on you, burn him on his phase stance when he is just standing there like he is trying to super saiyan, juke his attacks lastly when he about to jump run left or right but kind of diagonally so he doesn't jump on top of you which is a insta death if you don't have a sub weapon. For the final boss on the (A) run you don't have to use guns but you need flash grenades and healing items I use frag grenades to speed up the rocket launcher time. A trick for Super Tyrant you can run to his right side the normal arm or side when he is about to attack you just run keep running a little behind him, when he stop attacking just repeat, run to the side stop wait for attack and get behind him. There are parts with no sound because I cut the audio due to profanity/bad words or strong and intense words. Sorry about the animates on the statue puzzles :) I wanted to make them simple to understand and read and a little silly.