If You’re Seeing These Signs, GOD is trying to speak to you | C.S Lewis
If You’re Seeing These Signs, GOD IS TRYING TO SPEAK TO YOU | C.S Lewis 2024 In the chaos of daily life, we often overlook the gentle whispers of the Holy Spirit, but God never stops reaching out. Through subtle signs and stirrings within our hearts, the Holy Spirit is always guiding us, calling us back to Him. Perhaps you're feeling this right now—a quiet nudge to pause and listen. In this message, we explore four clear signs that God is trying to speak to you. From the unchanging nature of His guidance to the conviction in your heart, these signs are reminders that God is with you, shaping your journey toward His divine plan. Sometimes, He even speaks through others—friends, family, or strangers—bringing messages we need to hear. When life’s disruptions arise, they too may be signs urging you back to His purpose. If You’re Seeing These Signs, GOD IS TRYING TO SPEAK TO YOU | C.S Lewis 2024 Remember, God’s voice doesn’t change. His plans remain steadfast even when life seems uncertain. We need only to be still, humble, and ready to listen. Whether you hear His call through conviction or chaos, know that responding in obedience will lead to deeper spiritual growth and peace. If You’re Seeing These Signs, GOD IS TRYING TO SPEAK TO YOU | C.S Lewis 2024