plao style Gur wale rice | chne ki dal wale gur wale chawal | dal wale meethy chawal
plao style Gur wale rice | chne ki dal wale gur wale chawal | dal wale meethy chawal in this video i will tell u how to cook gur wale chawal with chana dal chene ki dal wale meethy chawal ki recipe hazir h i hope u like and enjoy like share and subscribe my channel with family and frnds --------------------------------------------- Your queries 1)Gur wale rice recipe 2)How to make dal wale meethy rice 3)chana dal gur wale chawal 4)jaggery rice recipe ------------------------------------------------ NOTE In this video is completly mean to educate and teach how to cook and doesnot show anything misleading everything show in this video is safe to try ABOUT In this channel i will try to bring everything which u need n love so stay tuned and enjoy Also like comnt and share my videos Plz subscribe my channel ----------------------------------------------------- Thnx for watching. #EntertainMent&InformationCorner