Sunday Worship | 6 June 2021 | St. Andrew’s Parish Church of Scotland, Annan

Sunday Worship | 6 June 2021 | St. Andrew’s Parish Church of Scotland, Annan

Recording from Morning Worship at St. Andrew’s Parish Church of Scotland, Annan. 00:00 Intimations 02:44 Intro Countdown 05:16 Praise: Crown Him with many crowns 09:14 Welcome to Worship 09:35 Opening Prayer 14:44 Praise: Consuming Fire 17:41 Reading: Luke 21: 5-36 22:28 Sermon 42:11 Praise: 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) 47:52 Prayer for others 54:28 Praise: Days of Elijah 58:24 Blessing If you would like to make an offering as part of your worship please use this link: Music: Crown Him with many crowns | New Scottish Hymns Band - all rights reserved Consuming Fire | Days of Elijah | Worship Lyric Videos - all rights reserved 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) | Worshiphouse Media - all rights reserved Introduction Music: Loop Community and Bensound Images courtesy of St. Andrew’s Parish Church of Scotland, Annan (also known as Annan: St. Andrew’s) Scottish Charity no. SC010891 CCLI Licence 187908 | Streaming Plus Licence 134437