Blood - Part 7 | Coagulation | Malayalam

Blood - Part 7 | Coagulation | Malayalam

This video is a discussion about coagulation or clotting of blood. A process by which bleeding is stopped is known as hemostasis. Coagulation is the natural way of hemostasis. The 2 pathways of coagulation, intrinsic and extrinsic, are also being discussed here. #blood #clotting #hemostasis #platelets #thrombocytes #thrombus #completebloodcount #hematology #medicalterminology #medical #medicalterms #anatomy #medicalscribe #medicalscribing #medicalcoding #nursing #healthcareprofessional #medicalsuffixes #suffixes #medicalprefixes #prefixes #medicalwords #wordroots #medicalstudent #nursingstudent #combiningforms #malayalam