Best Posture For Looking At Your Phone #shorts
How To Have Good Posture When Looking At Your Phone. Watch the quick and easy remedy to know the best posture for looking at your phone. Grab your free download for the best stretches to counteract the tight muscle patterns that develop in the neck and shoulders. Click the link: http://bit.ly/YourGuideNeck-ShoulderR... TWEET THIS VIDEO: • Best Posture For Looking At Your Phon... Say hello on social: Facebook: / drjoella Twitter: / drjoelladc Instagram: / drjoella YouTube Video URL: • Best Posture For Looking At Your Phon... TOOLS & RESOURCES: To Relieve Those Tight Neck and Shoulder Muscles: Relief Arnica Massage Oil: https://bit.ly/ReliefArnicaOil Calm Massage Oil with Lavendar & Chamomile: https://bit.ly/CalmMassageOil Herbal Ease Neck Pillow: https://bit.ly/HerbalNeckPillow Nature Creation Neck & Shoulder Wrap: https://bit.ly/NCNeckShoulderWrap Reusable Ice Pack Wrap: https://bit.ly/ReusableIcePack ***Affiliate Disclaimer: Note this description contains affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. While this channel may earn minimal sums when the viewer uses the links, the viewer is in no way obligated to use these links. Thank you for your support! Video hashtags: