The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Season 3 Episode 3 Chapter 2 Walkthrough/Gameplay

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Season 3 Episode 3 Chapter 2 Walkthrough/Gameplay

A walkthrough/gameplay of Telltale Games' The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Episode 3 Chapter 2. The rest of the episode chapters will be coming right up after this one! Links to the other chapters: Chapter 1:    • The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Seas...   Chapter 2: This video. Chapter 3:    • The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Seas...   Chapter 4:    • The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Seas...   Chapter 5:    • The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Seas...   Ending Scene/Chapter 6:    • The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Seas...   Enjoy and make sure to subscribe and like if you want more walkthroughs/gameplays!