Issue of Shares for consideration other than cash | Shares | Class 12 | Accounts | Part 10
Issue of Shares for consideration other than cash | Shares | Class 12 | Accounts | Part 10 Hello everyone..❤️ Welcome back to my youtube channel. In this video i have explained one important question of issue of shares consideration other than cash of ISSUE OF SHARES CHAPTER of class 12 Accounts... If you have any doubt related to class 12 Accounts you can ask me in comment section.. & if you find this video useful then do like, share and subscribe to my youtube channel.. Link of whole accounts chapters playlist 👇 • CLASS 12 (ACCOUNTS) YOUR QUERIES:- Issue of shares class 12, issue of shares class 12 one shot, issue of shares one shot, issue of shares for consideration other than cash, issue of shares consideration other than cash issue of shares consideration other than cash class 12 issue of shares concept issue of shares for consideration other than cash practical problems issue of shares for consideration other than cash magnet brains issue of shares for consideration other than cash in tamil issue of shares for consideration other than cash in malayalam issue of shares for consideration other than cash important questions Issue of consideration other than cash issue of shares for cash consideration consideration other than cash class 12 consideration other than cash class 12 debentures consideration other than cash class 12 questions consideration other than cash debentures consideration other than cash issue of shares consideration other than cash class 12 debentures questions consideration other than cash class 12 debentures rajat arora consideration other than cash questions calls in advance class 12 calls in advance journal entry calls in advance and calls in arrears questions calls in advance bcom calls in advance class 12 sunil panda calls in advance malayalam calls in advance class 12 questions calls in advance and interest calls in advance and calls in arrears class 12 calls in advance meaning calls in arrears class 12 calls in arrears and calls in advance calls in arrears calls in arrears and calls in advance malayalam calls in arrears class 12 questions calls in arrears class 12 pro rata calls in arrears class 12 pro rata calls in arrears class 12 hindi Q calls in arrears class 12 practical questions calls in arrears class 12 malayalam journal entry class 12 calls in arrears calls in arrears class 12 question 15 class 12 accounts chapter 2 calls in arrears calls in arrears class 12 tamil calls in arrears class 12 with premium Oversubscription of shares class 12 issue of shares, Oversubscription of shares class 12 accounts, Oversubscription of shares class 12 issue of shares, Oversubscription of shares class 12 accounts, under subscription of shares class 12, under subscription and oversubscription, under subscription of shares, under subscription, under subscription of shares class 12 questions, under subscription of shares journal entry, under subscription class 12, under subscription and oversubscription class 12th, under subscription of debentures class 12, under subscription questions, Important questions of oversubscription class 12 Accounts, Important Question of refund issue of shares, Important questions of pro rata allotment issue of shares, Issue of shares at par, Issue of shares at premium, Forefeiture and reissue of shares class 12, Most important questions of issue of shares class 12 accounts, Issue of shares, Issue of shares part 5, issue of shares class 12, Yashika Chhetija issue of shares corporate accounting, issue of shares class 12 pro rata, issue of shares class 12 practical questions, issue of shares bcom, issue of shares at premium, issue of shares rajat arora, issue of shares journal entries, issue of shares class 12 forfeiture and reissue, important questions of issue of shares class 12 accounts, Issue of shares account, Accounts class 12 issue of shares, Class 12 issue of shares basics, Basic theory of issue of shares class 12 accounts, Issue of shares basic theory, Issue of shares theory class 12 accounts, Journal entries of issue of shares class 12 accounts, Most important journal entries of issue of shares class 12 accounts, Shares issue at par questions, Shares issued at premium questions, Forefeiture and reissue of shares class 12, Forfeiture of shares, Reissue of shares, Consideration other than cash class 12 shares, Calls in arrears class 12 accounts, Calls in advance class 12 accounts, Class 12 accounts, Class 12 accounts issue of shares, Class 12 accountancy, Issue of shares by yashika chhetija, For any queries mail me on 👇 [email protected] For any queries you can dm me on 👇 / yashikachhetija8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THANKYOU FOR WATCHING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~