Gen Z Reacts To 90s Rock! | React
We challenged Gen Z music lovers to see how well they know 90s rock hitsl! What was your favorite 90s rock song? Subscribe to @React for more videos! Watch more DO THEY KNOW IT videos: • DO THEY KNOW IT?! FOLLOW US EVERYWHERE! TIKTOK: / react FACEBOOK: / reactmedia TWITTER: / react INSTAGRAM: / reactmedia YOUTUBE CHANNELS: REACT: / react PEOPLE VS FOOD: / peoplevsfood PVF CHEF: / @pvfchef BULLSEYE: / @reactbullseye JUNEBEAM: / @junebeamofficial Content Featured: Give It Away - Red Hot Chili Peppers • Red Hot Chili Peppers - Give It Away ... Spiderwebs - No Doubt • No Doubt - Spiderwebs (Official Music... Say It Ain't So - Weezer • Weezer - Say It Ain't So (Official Vi... Loser - Beck • Beck - Loser (Official Music Video) Walk - Pantera • Pantera - Walk (Official Music Video)... Celebrity Skin - Hole • Hole - Celebrity Skin (Official Music... Cannonball - The Breeders • The Breeders - Cannonball Tonight Tonight - Smashing Pumpkins • The Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight, Toni... Champagne Supernova - Oasis • Oasis - Champagne Supernova (Official... REACT’s goal is to credit the original links to the content featured in its shows. If you see incorrect or missing attribution please reach out to https://www.electricmonstermedia.com/... Reactors Featured: Jaxon www.twitch.tv/jaxonhh Gina / gina__marsh Vivienne www.instagram.com/viviennebellesievers Lamarie www.instagram.com/gottaluvv.jay Mika www.instagram.com/mika.abdalla Conor www.instagram.com/conoresherry Samantha www.instagram.com/samanthadejofficial Jaiden www.instagram.com/jaidenjefferson_ Producers: Joe / joebereta Beba / beba_rod Kat / kathrynjanko Gina / gina__marsh Abhishek / abhijoshishake Jada / jadayvonne_96 Raven / ravenraspberrie Bobin / bewbin Julian / notjulianros Candace / candacecarrizales Julie / julieedoyle Check out our instagram stories on video release days to see exclusive behind the scenes footage of this episode! / reactmedia If you live in Los Angeles and want to Audition to be on React, fill out the form below! https://airtable.com/appqriwWX9SCxKl5... VP of Content - Nicole Iizuka VP of Production - Kevin Lee Creative Director - Joe Bereta Line Producer - Anthony Mugnolo Episode Produced by Julie Doyle Technical Director - Stephen Miller Talent Producer - Annie Knudsen Production Manager - Brendon Holl Production Coordinator - Jake Kelley Production Coordinator - Alesha Braden Casting Coordinator - Alexandra Sheffield Casting Coordinator - Zach Holmstrom Studio Technician - Micah Fusco Studio Technician - Julian Steinberg Studio Technician - Lake Peterson Production Assistant - Brendan Patterson Set Medic - Mark Kirkendall Editor - Yelyzar Borovyk Post Production Supervisor - Doug Brady Thumbnail Graphics - Alison Lowenberg Supervising Editor - Ryan Johnson Assistant Editor - Marvin Hudgens Filmed on 4/5/2024 #music #challenge #reaction Does Gen Z Know 90s Rock?! | React 0:00 Intro 0:17 Round 1: Give It Away - Red Hot Chili Peppers 2:11 Round 2: Spiderwebs - No Doubt 3:51 Round 3: Say It Ain't So - Weezer 5:23 Round 4: Loser - Beck 6:50 Round 5: Walk - Pantera 8:45 Round 6: Celebrity Skin - Hole 10:22 Round 7: Cannonball - The Breeders 11:55 Round 8: Tonight Tonight - Smashing Pumpkins 13:30 Round 9: Champagne Supernova - Oasis 14:44 Pepper - Butthole Surfers 16:05 Sabotage - Beastie Boys 17:27 Novermber Rain - Guns n Roses 18:50 100% - Sonic Youth 20:05 Final Thoughts! 20:51 Outro