Types of IV fluids in hindi | Uses of IV fluids in hindi | Commonly Used IV fluids | IV fluids

Types of IV fluids in hindi | Uses of IV fluids in hindi | Commonly Used IV fluids | IV fluids

Types of IV (Intravenous) fluids NS (Normal Saline) • DNS (Dextrose Normal Saline) • D5, D10, D25 solution RL (Ringer Lactate) Mannitol solution NS (Normal Saline) Composition: Contains 0.9% w/v NaCl in 100ml solution Uses: • Dehydration (Loss of water) treatment of blood and fluid loss Used for wound (1) washing • Used to give injections Dose: 3-4 bottles in 24 hours Note :- Not suitable for Hypertension patients DNS (Dextrose Normal Saline) Composition: Contains 0.9% w/v NaCl and 5g Dextrose in 100 ml solution Uses: • Dehydration ⚫ treatment of blood and fluid loss • Low blood sugar (Hypoglycemia) Used in insulin shock Dose: Maximum 3-4 bottles in 24 hours Dextrose Composition: It is mixture of Dextrose and Normal Saline D5: 5g per 100 ml D10: 10g per 100 ml D25:25g per 100 ml Uses: • In weakness ⚫ to recover body fluid loss Dose: Maximum 3-4 bottles in 24 hours RL (Ringer's lactate solution) Also known as sodium lactate solution and Hartmann's solution Composition: Mannitol solution Composition: Each 100 ml solution contains 20g mannitol Uses: used in oliguria (low urine production) • used in oedema (swelling that is caused by fluid trapped in your body's tissues)