Advanced Market Structure | How To Use Lower Time Frame | SMC Concepts
Hello Family! Traders often jump ahead and focus on aspects of trading without really having a sound understanding of the basics. Yes it is important to have a mechanical entry method, risk management process as well as understanding strong zones to trade to and trade from. However, there needs to be an approach, a systematic approach. Personally, the foundation starts from having a sound understanding of market structure. Understanding market structure alone will help you in identifying order flow as well as who is in control. Once understood at a deeper level, it will enable you to follow the money, essentially helping you follow the footprints left by the financial institutions. Whether you are trading using SMC or other ways, it is essential that you have a clear understanding of market structure, because at the end of the day the markets can only move in limited directions. So, before diving head first into liquidity concepts such as Equal highs/lows, trendline liquidity and all of that... Take it back a notch and really try to dive deep into market structure. Not only will this improve your understanding of what type of structure we are in i.e. bullish or bearish, but really help you trade both sides of the markets. As always, keep it Simple and Systematic and you will be just fine ;) **For more information on the 1-1 Session get me @ https://t.me/IncogFX101 If you haven't done so already, please do 👍Like 👍Share 👍Subscribe Link to Telegram: https://t.me/incogfx500k Link to Chat: https://t.me/incogfxchat Link to Instagram: / incog.fx Disclaimer: Any information or analysis on here expresses my personal opinion only. Forex trading involves risk and is not suitable for all investors. Before deciding to invest in foreign exchange or another financial market, you should carefully consider your investment objectives and risk appetite. I am not responsible for any losses incurred due to your trading or anything else. I do not recommend any specific trade or action, and any trades you decide to place are your own.