Morning Prayer - The Sixth Sunday of Easter

Morning Prayer - The Sixth Sunday of Easter

There will be a service of Morning Prayer at 11am in St Ann's Church, Dawson Street. The preacher will be The Reverend Yvonne Ginnelly Curate Assistant. Setting Brewer in B flat Hymns 634, 607, 365 Psalm 98 Anthem Vines The Prayer of St Francis Voluntary Stanford 2nd mvt. Sonata Celtica You are most welcome to attend and it would be great to see you there. DATE FOR YOUR DIARY There will be a service of Choral Evensong on Monday 24 June (the Feast of St John the Baptist) to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the consecration of St Stephen’s. The service will begin at 8pm. LIVE STREAM If you are unable to get to church on Sundays, you can join us via live stream on our You Tube Channel. FACEBOOK We are on Facebook. If you want to get news updates via Facebook then go to our pages and ‘like’ St Ann’s Church, Dawson Street.