October 18, 2020 - 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

October 18, 2020 - 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Presider: Fr. Tuan Pham Readings 1st Reading: Isaiah 45: 1, 4-6 (145A) Psalm 96: 1, 3, 4-5, 7-8, 9-10 | “Give the Lord glory and honor.” | 2nd Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1: 1-5b Gospel: Matthew 22: 15-21 Music: Entrance: Glory and Praise to Our God (Schutte) Gloria: Mass of Renewal (Stephan) Psalm 23: “I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.” (Anderson) Gospel Acclamation: Mass of Renewal (Stephan) Offertory: Instrumental Eucharistic Acclamations: Mass of Renewal (Stephan) Communion: Remember (Laura Story) Recessional: With One Voice (Manalo) Cantor: Chelsea Chaves | Piano: Jeremiah Lussier Permission to stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license A-600390 | CCLI License # 1719064