What should you do if your toddler isn't talking?

What should you do if your toddler isn't talking?

Here’s the truth… 👇🏼 First, if you want to learn what communication milestones to look for from birth until 4 years old get my free milestone checklist. https://www.tinytalkersspeech.com/mil... If you go to the pediatrician because you’re concerned about your child’s language skills more than likely you will get the following advice… “Wait until they are 2-3 and if they are still not talking then we will reach out to a speech therapist.” Meanwhile I’m here from the corner of my internet trying to make parents aware of the risks in waiting. Unfortunately, many people still tell me… “well my Dr told me to wait so I’m just going to wait until he’s 2 or 3.” 😭 Just a friendly reminder that speech therapist are the experts in language development. We study language development for 7 years! 🙃 After all that work people still want to take other’s advice over ours. 🫠 How long should you wait? 👇🏼 Whenever your child is not meeting their milestones is when you look for support. Whether your child is 3 months, 12 months, 18 months. It doesn’t matter. From 0-3 your child’s brain is the most adaptable. This is a critical time for brain development! This is why I advise against the wait and see method. The more you wait the bigger the gap in delay can become and the harder it can be to catch up. And why wait when supporting your child’s language development is soooooo easy! Let’s get your child talking! 🔔Subscribe to my channel to learn more about speech & language therapy techniques & tips you can use at home to help your baby or toddler talk:    / @speechfortinytalkers   FREE Milestone Checklist: If you are wondering what communication milestones to look for between 0-4 years old get my free milestone checklist. https://www.tinytalkersspeech.com/mil... FREE Masterclass! Learn 3 speech therapy strategies to get your child talking! https://www.tinytalkersspeech.com/mas... Check out my course to learn strategies to get your child talking: https://www.tinytalkersspeech.com ✅ Stay Connected With Me! 👉Facebook: www.facebook.com/tiny.talkers.speech 👉Instagram:   / tiny.talkers.speech   👉Tiktok: www.tiktok.com/@tiny.talkers.speech 👉Website: www.tinytalkersspeech.com ✅ For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= ✅ Recommended Playlists 👉 Tips:    • Toy recommendations from a speech the...   👉Articulation:    • HOW TO CORRECT A LISP AT HOME   ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 4 ways to get your toddler talking with a pound-a-ball! | Tips from a speech therapist    • 4 Fun And Easy Activities With A Poun...   👉3 Speech Therapist Recommended Apps for Toddlers    • 3 Speech Therapist Recommended Apps f...   👉How to use battery-operated toys to get your child talking!    • Battery-Operated Toys: The Secret To ...   👉Teach your baby to say "mama" with these 3 tips!    • Teach your baby how to say "mama" wit...   👉Toy recommendations from a speech therapist!    • Toy recommendations from a speech the...   ============================= ✅ About Tiny Talkers Speech. If you’re new here, welcome! My name is Brenda. I’m a certified speech-language pathologist. I love sharing tips to help your child talk and say new words! Register for my FREE masterclass and learn 3 speech therapy strategies to get your child talking! https://www.tinytalkersspeech.com/mas... 💬Let’s get your child talking! For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below: 📩 Email: [email protected] 🔔 Join this channel to discover effective speech & language therapy techniques & expert tips for young children:    / @speechfortinytalkers   ================================= #toddlerlanguage #speechtherapy #earlyintervention