Angela gets sick & throws up & Emma & Isla mess with her. 😭
Baby alive shampoo snuggles triplets get sick and throws up! + diy doll medicine and soup 🤮🤒🤧💊🍲
NEW Baby alive crib life doll gets Sick at daycare 🤮
NEW Baby alive crib life doll has a BIG accident at Daycare! 😱
Baby alive throw up instructions 
London stayed up her bed time😴💤⭐️ #babyalive #cute #adorable #bedtime #babydoll #toys
NEW Baby alive crib life dolls get Sick in the Bath! 🤢
feeding babyalive lil snacks burrnett #diydollfood #babyalivedolls #hasbro
NEW Baby alive dolls swimming in the Bath 🛁 Lucy gets sick!
NEW Baby alive doll gets sick at School! 🤢
Baby Alive doll Throws up in the bath !! 🤮🤢 #babyalive #doll #shorts
NEW Baby alive crib life doll gets Sick at school
NEW Baby alive crib life doll gets Sick in the Bath! 🤢
Baby Alive: Logan is sick and throws up
NEW Baby alive crib life dolls are Sick and throw up! 🤮
Baby alive Mia eats too much halloween candy and gets sick and throws up! 🍭🍬🤒🤮
BABY ALIVE doll Throws up at the Park 🤢 #babyalive #doll #baby
🚑🤮🐵 BABY ALIVE Arthur and Luna and BABY MONKEY falls and gets hurt, goes to hospital and throws up!
🤮🍟BABY ALIVE Throw up Compilation 1 - McDonald's Grimace Shake and a Moldy Sandwich
Baby Alive: Winter is sick throws up at school part 1