pf claim settled but amount not received in bank account | claim settled but amount not received
PF claim settled but amount not received in bank account | claim settled but amount not received | claim settled but amount not received claim settled but amount not received | नहीं आया तो ये trick लगाओ तुरंत settle होगा ✌️ Hello Friends, In this video, i will tell you that why pf money not credited in bank after settle .pf claim status settle but money not received in bank account,why? Your pf claim is settle but the amount not credited in your bank account,why? Why my PF claim settled but amount not received in my Bank account...what to do if pf claim settle but payment not recieved. My claim statys showing settled but amount not credited in account.Pf settle money not received in bank...money deduct from pf account but not credited in bank. Claim Settled but amount not received। Claim settled but amount not credited Watch this full video for better knowledge about the above queries. वीडियो अच्छा लगा तो अपने दोस्तों के साथ साथ share करना ना भूले. और channel subscribe कर ले ताकि एसे ही videos मिलते रहे। #claimsettlebutmoneynotcredited #EPFO #utuberpandeyji instagram--- / utuberpandeyji facebook----- / utuber.pandeyji