ATTRACT ABUNDANCE WHILE YOU SLEEP | 101 Subliminal Affirmations for Prosperity

ATTRACT ABUNDANCE WHILE YOU SLEEP | 101 Subliminal Affirmations for Prosperity

Attract abundance while you sleep with this 8 hour subliminal sleep session featuring 101 powerful success and abundance affirmations, relaxing ocean sounds and a blank screen for optimal rest and relaxation. SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL This channel is not monetized. If you enjoy the content, please consider making a donation to help it continue and improve! Any amount is welcome: For $25 USD, I can create a custom subliminal mp3 for you (up to 60 minutes in length; longer audios cost more). Please contact me (Rebecca) at [email protected] for details and terms. SUBLIMINAL AFFIRMATIONS I am strong, prosperous and successful. I am wealthy and abundant. I am on an incredible journey to success and freedom. Prosperity is my natural state of being. Everything I touch is a success. I do what I love, and what I love attracts money. I do what I love, and money flows to me freely. I am attracting all the money and success I could ever want. Money is just waiting for me to accept it. Success and abundance are naturally attracted to me. I am attracting more success each day. I am attracting money right now. The universe wants me to be successful. The universe is on my side. I place my trust in the universe. I visualize incredible abundance in my life. I believe and visualize. I manifest success. I am an abundant person. I have a powerful success mindset. I was born to be a winner in life. My financial situation is always improving. Money flows to me naturally and freely. I easily manifest all the money I need. I am a natural born money magnet. I am comfortable with having lots of money. I am creating a mindset where money will feel welcome. I am constantly thinking of new ways to make money. I am innovative and imaginative. Every day is full of opportunity. I have faith in my ability to succeed and to create great wealth. I have faith in my ability to attract unlimited abundance. My life is incredibly abundant right now. My mind is powerful and laser focused. Abundance feels so natural to me. I am a magnet for abundance and wealth. I deserve the good things in life. I speak my wealth into existence. I let go of control and trust the process. I am now attracting everything I need. I am creating my own reality. Money is freely available to me. I claim my birthright as a successful person. I claim my own worth in the universe. Great wealth and abundance is flowing to me now. Success flows to me naturally and effortlessly in many forms. The universe is full of riches. I am attracting greater success to myself every day. I have everything I need to be successful right now. I am bursting with inspiration and motivation. I am winning in life. I am constantly striving for new and bigger goals. I love how amazing success feels. It is my destiny to be incredibly successful on my own terms. I am destined to find prosperity in everything I do. I live in a universe of infinite possibilities. I love every wonderful, incredible aspect of my life. I am so excited to get up every morning and accomplish more. I am so excited to live my best life. All my goals and dreams are within my reach. Abundance is my natural state of being. Abundance is everywhere in my life. Financial freedom feels so wonderful. I am always relaxed and comfortable, because I know money arrives whenever I need it. I am taken care of, valued and loved. I ask and I receive. I manifest and it comes to me. I believe, I visualize, I manifest. I have within me the seeds of greatness. I am more abundant every day. I am abundantly blessed. The universe rewards my belief in myself. My generous, grateful attitude attracts prosperity. Everything in my life is prosperous. I choose wealth and abundance. I am so abundant and so free. I am awakening to my perfect, ideal life. All my plans and dreams are coming to fruition. I change my thoughts and the world becomes brighter. I change my attitude and my life becomes more abundant. I can create the life I dream of. I can create miracles in my life. I live a life of constant blessings. I tap into the infinite wealth of the universe. There is always more money available to me. I attract abundance with my positive and joyful attitude. I attract abundance by being grateful and gracious. I attract abundance when I am grateful for everything I have. I am grateful for everything. I thank the universe for my wonderful life. I thank the universe for all my blessings. I allow all good things to come into my life. I give thanks and enjoy everything good that my life has to offer. I give thanks every day for my marvelous life and prosperity. My life is joyful, comfortable and free. Money gives me such freedom. I have everything I need. I am abundantly blessed. Abundance, money and wealth surround me. My life is so rich and so full. I love myself and I love my abundant life. 30 Minute Mindset Copyright 2019 #30minutemindset #attractabundancewhileyousleep #101subliminalaffirmationsforsuccess